The PHNRC mission is to preserve, protect and restore natural areas and raise awareness of environmental issues affecting Prospect Heights Illinois. It is their goal to guide the community in natural open space preservation efforts and encourage private landowners to adopt land management practices that protect and enhance natural resources. They promote community awareness and education of environmental issues affecting Prospect Height’s natural resources such as Emerald Ash Borer, storm water and flood management and the threat of invasive species.

They are a commission of the City of Prospect Heights, reporting to the City Council and making recommendations for legislation and other actions that would pertain to the natural resources of the city.  The volunteer network is designed to enhance, restore and manage the natural areas and resources in order to maintain and improve their ecological health and biodiversity.  During the year, they conduct work events where volunteers come together to participate in organized restoration projects. They welcome all volunteers – regardless of age, residency, etc. Visit their website Home ( for more information or subscribe to their monthly publication called the “The Resources Journal” here: Prospect Heights Natural Resources Commission (

Making a difference: The School Board 214 Board honored the Prospect Heights Natural Resources Commission for supporting District 214 interns in August 2024. The PHNRC provides students with hands-on experience in land management and environmental conservation. This highlight video was presented during a school board meeting and showcases the experiences of interns like Prospect High School’s Ava Foster. She shares how her internship solidified her passion for environmental science.  Thank you to the Commission for inspiring our students and helping them discover their futures!