Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for all residents of the District through the development and maintenance of park lands and facilities utilizing available resources, as well as to promote community involvement through a variety of recreation programs, educational opportunities and special events.

Financial Information

Audit Budget
2009 Audit 2011 Budget
2010 Audit 2012 Budget
2011 Audit 2013 Budget
2012 Audit 2014 Budget
2013 Audit 2015 Budget
2014 Audit 2016 Budget
2015 Audit 2017 Budget
2016 Audit 2018 Budget
2017 Audit 2019 Budget
2018 Audit 2020 Budget
2019 Audit  2021 Budget
2020 Audit 2022 Budget
2021 Audit 2023 Budget
2022 Audit 2024 Budget
2023 Audit  

IMRF Total Compensation

The Prospect Heights Park District Park values its employees and the contribution they make to the community and understands the importance of retaining quality employees in meeting the recreational needs of the community.

As required by PA-097-0609 a list of employees expected to receive a total compensation greater than $150,000 is available six days prior to approval of the annual budget. Within 6 business days after approving the annual budget, the Park District is required to make available a list of all employees that are expected to receive a total compensation of greater than $75,000. Compensation includes salary, health insurance, a vehicle allowance, vacation days granted, and sick days granted.

The compensation information detailed above can be found at the Prospect Heights Park District Administrative Offices located at 104 West Camp McDonald Rd., IL 60070 or by emailing the Superintendent of Finance, HR & IT, Shawn Hughes, at [email protected] to request an electronic copy.

IMRF Employer Cost & Participation Information

Click for Flipbook of Prospect Heights Park District Master Plan

Click for PDF of Prospect Heights Park District Master Plan


Misc Information & Forms Download PDF

Prospect Heights Park District Facilities Survey 2022
Prospect Heights Park District Feasibility Study 2020
Prospect Heights Park District Master Plan 2018
Summary of meetings conducted in June 2017
Summary of survey conducted in July 2017
Park District Directory
Freedom of Information Act Form
Freedom of Information Act Process
Organizational Chart