Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting 

The Prospect Heights Park District ‘s annual comprehensive financial report has qualified for the GFOA Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting each year for over a decade.   This is a testament to the Park District’s commitment to producing annual reports that evidence the spirit of full disclosure and transparency.

Illinois Association Park District’s Best of the Best: Arts in the Park Award 2023

The Prospect Heights Park District and residents, Mara Lovisetto and Kate Tully received statewide recognition for making lasting contributions to the Prospect Heights community through the annual ArtWalk. This award recognizes agencies that support the arts and the partnership with artists to enhance the quality of life in their communities. The district competed against other park districts, forest preserves, conservation districts, and recreation agencies throughout the state to win this award.

The idea for the ArtWalk came from Tully and Lovisetto, founders of The Sunflower Project. Both women have been collaborating with the Prospect Heights Park District to continue the sunflower project by organizing an ArtWalk each year with a variety of themes such as Scarecrows, Pollinator & Birds, and Mushroom Masterpiece.  In 2023, the assignment was to create artwork with the theme “Bird of a Feather” for the outdoor display in Izaak Walton Park, 201 N. Elmhurst Rd. This outdoor exhibit included mosaic glass, painting, drawing, photography, wood, metal, or another medium of the artist’s choice. Individuals, families, and local area artists were encouraged to showcase their creativity. Pieces were free-standing or hung on trees, posts, or in other approved areas of the park. One of the most enjoyable aspects of the ArtWalk event is that there are no residency or age requirements to submit and install the artwork. It is something that everyone can participate in whether they are being creative or simply enjoying others’ creativity. With the artwork being installed in a park, the event has increased the use and enjoyment of Izaak Walton Park and we have heard from many members of our community about them visiting the park for the first time because of the artwork. Additionally, with artwork being added throughout the year, the event is constantly growing and changing, which encourages people to keep visiting the park to see how the park has changed. Finally, the event has been an important part of bringing people back together and an exciting opportunity for local artists to give back to the community and share their talents. Izaak Walton Park had been an underutilized park, located just off Elmhurst Road, and many restorative efforts have been undertaken by both the Prospect Heights Park District, along with the Prospect Heights Natural Resources Commission. The park is part of a naturally occurring wetland and is nestled into a canopy of tall trees that have made it a natural escape in the community, park district officials said, adding the addition of the ArtWalk and the restoration projects have certainly increased the awareness and use of the park from around the community.