2025 Summer Camp Information
2025 Summer Camp Handbook
2025 Summer Camp Participant Forms
- Summer Camp Participant Emergency Form
- Medication Dispensing Permission Form
- Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan Form
- Release for Walking/Biking To and From Summer Camp Form
- Extracurricular Activity Permission Form
2025 Camp Lunch Coming Soon
How to Order Camp Lunch
Go to phparks.org
Click on the red registration banner at the top of the page
Log-in to your account
Click on the Search tab
Click “Search all Programs”
Enter “Lunch” in “Key Word search”
“Camp lunch” will be the 1st item
Click on “Check Availability”
And pick the days your camper would like hot lunch.
You can also register at the front desk.
Please note there will not be day camp on July 4, 2025
Early Explorers (Grades: Entering 3Y-4Y Preschool)
This will be the first experience of camp for our 3Y-4Y campers! We will have lots of indoor and outdoor small group activities, games and crafts! Plus each day the campers will go swimming during non-public swim time. Children must be completely potty trained. No diapers or pull ups. Come enjoy the summer fun with us!
Times: 9:00am-1:30pm | Ratio: 1 counselor per 6 children.
Early Explorers Camp Registration
Explorers Camp (Grades: Entering K-2nd)
This enriching camp will promote a healthy lifestyle through active play and enriching social activities. Your child’s strengths will be showcased through a variety of daily activities including arts and crafts, small group games, open swim and much more! This camp will take off-site field trips.
Times: 9:00am-3:00pm | Ratio: 1 counselor per 7 children.
Adventure Camp (Grades: Entering 3rd-6th)
This enriching camp will promote a healthy lifestyle through active play and enriching social activities. Your child’s strengths will be showcased through a variety of daily activities including: arts and crafts, small group games, open swim and much more! This camp will take off site field trips.
Times: 9:00am-3:00pm | Ratio: 1 counselor per 8 children.
Sports Camp (Grades: Entering 2nd-8th)
Designed for both boys and girls who want to engage in a variety of sport activities. Campers will participate in volleyball, basketball, soccer, wiffle ball, floor hockey, flag football and other camp favorite group games. Campers will also learn the value of good sportsmanship and nutrition. Sports Camp will take off-site field trips.
Times: 9:00am-3:00pm | Ratio: 1 counselor to 8 children.
Travel Camp (Grades: Entering 5th-8th)
Come travel with us! This camp will provide a new adventure each day! We will spend three days experiencing all the suburbs has to offer from water parks to entertainment venues. The other two days of the week campers will engage in various small group activities. All admissions are included in the camp fees.
Times: 9:00am-3:00pm | Ratio: 1 counselor to 9 children.
Creative and Performing Arts Day Camp (Grades: Entering 1st-10th)
Lights! Camera! Action! Fun! Join us for a fun spin on summer camp. Enjoy an amazing Creative and Performing Arts experience that will include dancing, painting, acting, playwriting, crafts, set design and so much more! This is a 5-day camp as we build on skills throughout the week. At the end of every 1-week session we will have a mini show to include small skits that the campers have learned during that week. The camp fee includes 1 special event/field trip. Times: 9:00am-3:00pm | Ratio: 1 counselor to 7 children.
Creative & Performing Arts Registration
Performing Arts Production Camp (Grades: Entering 1st-10th)
The curtain is going up…for a summer filled with the excitement and magic of theater! In just a few short weeks, our talented staff will help the campers put on a full-scale musical theatre production! Campers will also learn the basic techniques of acting, singing and dancing for musical theatre. Theatre fundamentals are emphasized with first-hand tricks to memorizing lines, character development, costuming, set design and so much more. Boys and girls are welcome!!! Fee includes a Production t-shirt. SUMMER 2024 – Our show will be JUMANJI, THE MUSICAL. Times: 3:00pm-6:00pm
Production Camp & After Care Registration
Before Care & After Care (Grades: Entering K-8th)
The before and after camp programs are designed exclusively for children enrolled in the Prospect Heights Park District day camps. Extended activities include games, crafts, gym, swimming, playground and nature. Children should bring a snack for the after care portion of the day.
Times: Before 7:00am-9:00am | After 3:00pm-6:00pm