Meeting rooms, Gymnasium, Fitness Studio, Soccer Field, Ballfields, Tennis / Pickleball Courts, Picnic Pavillion, Pool …. 

Lions Park/Gary Morava Recreation Center

110 W. Camp McDonald Road
Prospect Heights, IL 60070

Get Directions Get Directions

(847) 394-2848
(847) 394-7799

This year how about renting a room for your next meeting, baby shower, or birthday party? Come to the Prospect Heights Park District to have fun with your friends or have a picnic for your next family gathering. The recreation center offers two large meeting rooms with kitchen facilities and is available for public and private use throughout the year. Call (847) 394-2848 for more information.

Rental Procedures – 

Rentals are subject to Park District approval. The approval process may take up to 10 days, so please plan accordingly. Facility use is subject to availability and requests are granted based on appropriateness. Alcohol is not allowed in the GMRC or on the surrounding property.

Click here to download Rental Application Download PDF

Click here to check availability

Availability must be confirmed by staff, applications may be pending.v

The application process is as follows:

  • Applicants must sign and complete the Rental Application. Do NOT include payment at this time. You can return the form by emailing it to Rita Nebl at [email protected] or return it to the Front Desk at the Gary Morava Recreation Center.  Payment is due upon approval of request.
  • Upon approval of request, applicants will be notified and given a confirmation form.
    Applicants must submit full payment of fees by the due date established in the confirmation form.
  • NOTE: Prospect Heights Park District programs and activities have first priority.

Meeting Room and Gym Rental Rates

Each rate quoted is a flat fee based on the total hour usage, and not per hour usage. Ex. NR renting Elm Room for 2 hours costs $120, not $180.

Other fees may apply depending on the request time and usage.

Number of Hours

Elm Room


Pine Room


Full Gym


1/2 Gym


Fitness Studio


1 $75/$90 $70/$85 $80/$90 $60/$70 $30/$40
2 $95/$120 $90/$115 $130/$145 $85/$100 $60/$80
3 $115/$150 $110/$145 $180/$200 $110/$130 $90/$120
4 $135/$180 $130/$175 $230/$255 $135/$160 $120/$160
5 $155/$210 $150/$205 $280/$310 $160/$190 $150/$200
6 $175/$240 $170/$235 $330/$365 $185/$220 $180/$240


Additional Costs Fee
Oven/Stove Use $35
After Hours $60 per hour
Room Set Up $50
Refundable Booking and Damage Deposit $100
Outdoor Rentals

R/NR rates

Country Gardens Soccer Field $20/$30 (per hour)
Ballfields $50/$70 (per hour)
Tennis Courts/Pickleball Courts $6/$10 (per hour)
GMRC Pavilion (amplification devices not allowed) $50/$75 (a day)
Country Gardens / Izaak Walton Pavilion (amplification devices not allowed) $50/$75 (a day)
Lions Park Pool

$375/$425 (90-minutes)