Kid’s Day Off

Wondering what to do with your kids when they have a day off of school? We have the answer! Your kids are sure to have a great time making new friends. Register for this convenient program and we will play fun games with them, enjoy organized sports, watch movies and make fun crafts! Children may be signed into the program anytime between 7:00am-9:00am and signed out between 3:00pm-6:00pm ALL FOR THE SAME FEE. You must pre-register for each day. The registration deadline for each day off is one week prior to each day off.  

*Participants in Kids Day Off will be allowed to bring electronics with them to use during the duration of the program. The Prospect Heights Park District will not be responsible for any lost or stolen items. 

Upcoming Dates

March 24

March 25

March 26

March 27

March 28

March 31

April 1

April 18

May 16